Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm a PC ....I guess

OK, so I got an iPhone. It was really out of the blue. Since Robert works at Warner Brothers he gets a big discount so we went for it. Though I was happy with my sprint account we found we had to go with AT&T, which incidentally we had once before and hated. I told my self its going to be different this time...yeah riiiight.
Well many of my clients used Macs and had iPhones so I figured, why not. So far I like it however I can't understand why it lacks some very core features. Namely Blue tooth data transfer. Hell, even my $49.00 phone did that. No flash player and no flash player for safari. Wait, mabe there is an alternative browser for the iphone.....No, guess again. I'm sure as I use it I will continue to discover its disappointing inadequates Well for all its iFoney flash it really lacks substance. It seams that Apple wants to tell you what you can and can't do on their equipment. Hmmm, Sounds a bit socialistic to me.

I remember back in 1984 they announced the Macintosh with a commercial of a hammer wielding runner who barged into a large room filled with a bunch of mindless zombies fixated on a large screen. On the screen was a big brother character dictating to the transfixed audience what they must believe. With one might swing the intruder hurled the hammer at the screen and shattered it to a million pieces thus freeing the audience from their socialistic slavery.
Well guess what....Now the guy on the big screen appears to have a name....Mr. Jobs.

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